Benjamin Strapped To The Chair

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Benjamin: *tied up, and his mouth is duct taped shut*

Melissahoel1: You screwed up this time, buddy! Why did you accept a ride from a stranger, to take you to North Carolina? Are you absolutely pig headed?

Benjamin: *muffled*

Me: You brought this on yourself! Just for that, you're never going to North Carolina!

HigherthanHeaven: *slaps Benjamin silly* Don't ever do something so stupid, again!

Benjamin: *getting slapped silly*

Stan: You should be banned from ever entering North Carolina! A travel ban, if you'll pardon the expression!

Benjamin: *muffled protests*

ThrseHoel: What have you got to say for yourself, buddy?

Benjamin: *muffled* I'm sorry!

Warren: I think he said, he wants to remain strapped to this chair!

Melissahoel1: Okay! *coughs* Darn it! In the meantime, let's go to Dairy Queen! My treat!

All Of Us: *leaves to go to DQ*

Benjamin: *muffled* Untie me!!! Don't leave me like this!!!

This story was written on Saturday, August 15th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin got what he deserved! Let him stay strapped to the chair! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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