Benjamin In North Carolina Via Virtual Reality

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Nags Head, North Carolina

Benjamin: Yes, I'm finally in North Carolina!!! This is the life!

Woman: *gives him a dirty look* What are you so happy about?

Benjamin: I'm here in North Carolina!!!

Woman: Okay, and?

Benjamin: I'm just thrilled to be in my favorite state. You from here in NC?

Woman: No, I'm from Maryland. I'm just here on vacation.

Benjamin: What part of MD?

Woman: A place called none of your business! *kicks the sand into Benjamin's face*

Benjamin: *coughing as the sand gets into his lungs* Woman, what's your problem?

Woman: Just enjoy North Carolina, and stop making a scene! Jeez! *walks away*

Benjamin: That woman probably got dumped by her lover, or something. Well, nothing is gonna get in my way of having a good time in the Tar Heel State! I.....

Middletown, Connecticut

Warren: You fool! *takes off the virtual reality glasses off of Benjamin* You're still here in Connecticut! You're not in North Carolina!

Benjamin: *growls* Warren, you idiot! You ruined everything!

Me: Dude, take a chill pill!

ThrseHoel: Hey, that's my line!

Me: So?

Stan: Benjamin, face facts! You're never going to North Carolina, period!

Ken: That's what I keep telling him, Stan! He just won't listen to reason!

Stan: Clearly, he can't!

Benjamin: Mark my words! I. Am. Going. To. North. Carolina.

This story was written on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020.

A/N We love to tease Benjamin, in regards to going to North Carolina! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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