I Wish I Was Tall

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Melissahoel1: *sighs sadly* I hate being short! I wish I was tall.

Mother: I'm sorry, sweetie. Time for bed.

Melissahoel1: Okay, Mum. Good night.

Mother: Good night, sugar. I'll see you in the morning. *kisses Melissa on her forehead and leaves, and closes the door*

Melissahoel1: I wish I was tall. I wish I was tall. I wish I was tall..... *drifts off to sleep*

The next day.....

Melissahoel1: *yawns and wakes up* Might as well do my morning routine. Brush my teeth. *goes into the bathroom and looks in the mirror and notices something different about her* Could it be?? *looks at herself* I grown another few inches!!! I'm tall!!! Whoo hoo!!! I'm not short anymore!!! Mum! Mum, I'm tall!!! *reaches something high up and gets it* Wow, this is sweet!! I'm finally tall!! I'm so happy, I could cry! *cries happy tears*

Mother: My sweetheart has grown a few inches!!

Melissahoel1: *sobbing* I'm so happy! I thought I would be short for the rest of my life!

This story was written on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020.

A/N Melissa has finally gotten taller! It's okay, hun! Don't cry! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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