Forgetfulness Is So Nasty

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Forgetfulness: I'm so hungry.

Dana: You better not eat out of the garbage, this time!

Forgetfulness: I won't. I want some mud burgers.

Dana: Excuse me? *raises her eyebrows*

Forgetfulness: I said, I want some mud burgers.

Dana: Ew!

Forgetfulness: Yes, and I will also have a mud smoothie.

Dana: Stop, F! You're grossing me out!

Forgetfulness: *goes outside with a cup, scoops some mud into it, and gets a burger from the grill, and puts the mud on it* This looks delicious!

Dana: F, you better stop!

Forgetfulness: *eats his mud burger* Not bad! Where's the ketchup?

Dana: *faints*

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N Forgetfulness is so nasty! Ew! Who puts mud on a burger? Gross! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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