Forgetfulness Practices Driving In A Thunderstorm

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Dana: Hurry, F! Let's get some driving done! Clouds are starting to build up!

Forgetfulness: Okay. *hears distant thunder* You think we can wait?

Dana: No, you're gonna get some driving done, F!

Forgetfulness: A storm is coming!

Dana: So? Just get in the car! Jeez!

Forgetfulness: *gets in the driver's seat*

Dana: Drive to Main St, please. Roll up the windows, when it starts pouring.

Forgetfulness: *looks up at the darkening sky* Oh no!

Dana: Drive!

Forgetfulness: *drives* You sure you don't want to wait, till after the storm passes?

Dana: Just shut up and drive! And, pay attention to the road, not the sky!

Forgetfulness: *drives to Main St*

Dana: *hears a loud crack of thunder* That was a big one! Roll up the windows, F!

Forgetfulness: *rolls up the windows*

It starts to rain heavily, blinding F.

Dana: Put the windshield wipers on!

Forgetfulness: *puts the windshield wipers on*

Dana: Just bear in mind, that you can't drive through a flooded area.  And drive too fast. That will cause hydroplaning.

Forgetfulness: Okay. I hate driving through this weather.

Dana: You'll have to drive through stormy weather, every now and then, F. You just have to drive slow. Now, drive on this street coming up. Use the blinker.

Forgetfulness: Okay. *uses the blinker* Oh boy.

Dana: F, chill out! It's probably a passing thundershower! *sees a lightning bolt* Whoop! That definitely came out of right field!

Forgetfulness: *gets startled by another loud crack of thunder* I hate thunderstorms!

Dana: F, you need to concentrate! Just pretend that it's angels bowling in Heaven! That's what I do! It's a good method, believe me!

Forgetfulness: I'll try. *drives slow, due to the poor visibility*

The storm lets up and moves away, with the sun coming back out.

Dana: The storm passed on by, F! You got through this!

Forgetfulness: Okay. *driving*

This story was written on Friday, August 28th, 2020.

A/N F will need to learn to drive through nasty weather! Just put on the windshield wipers, that's all! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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