She's Covering Her Ears For A Good Reason

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Lola: *covering her ears*

Benjamin: Why are you covering your ears for?

Lola: Someone is gonna yell at me.

Benjamin: No one's gonna yell at you, okay? Stop covering your ears.

Lola: I can't do that.

Benjamin: Yes, you can!

ThrseHoel: Dude, leave her alone! She probably has autism.

Lola: I do.

Benjamin: She can't be covering her ears! People will think she's not right in the head!

Me: Just leave her alone, man!

HigherthanHeaven: I don't judge anyone that has autism, Benjamin! So, shut the heck up, or I'll pile drive you into the ground!

Benjamin: Whatever! *walks away*

Warren: He's such a bully!

Stan: He is! It's okay, Lola! He's gone, now!

Lola: Thanks, guys!

This story was written on Thursday, August 13th, 2020.

A/N Lola has autism, like me, and I cover my ears too. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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