Shut Up And Go To Sleep!

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Me: *playing video games*

Pam: Isn't a certain someone supposed to be sleeping right now? *arms folded and giving me a stern look*

Me: Aw, come on, Pam!

Pam: Don't aw come on Pam me, boy! Go to bed!

Me: Yeah, but.......

Pam: Shut up and go to bed!

Me: Or what?

Pam: This! *whacks me with a frying pan, knocking me out cold* I did this out of love!

Me: *out cold*

Pam: You're still cute, even when you're knocked out! *pinches my cheeks and drags me to bed, and tucks me in* Good night, boo! Sweet dreams! *blows me a kiss*

Me: *still out cold*

This story was written on Friday, August 21st, 2020.

A/N Wow, Pam whacked me to sleep! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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