The Mean Grandpa Gets His

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Grandfather: Rebecca is a fool! She can't cook, she can't write, and she can't go on a date!

Melissahoel1: You cruel man! Rebecca told us all about you!

Me: You really hurt her feelings!

ThrseHoel: You need to be a better role model!

Grandfather: I fought in Vietnam! I am a war veteran!

Melissahoel1: That's no excuse to treat your granddaughter that way!

Me: War vet, or not, that's not a good excuse for that kind of behavior!

Stan: My grandfather fought in Korea, and he never acted like that!

Grandfather: My granddaughter is gonna grow up to be a failure!

ThrseHoel: You're the failure, Pops! *starts beating up the old goat*

Grandfather: *getting beat up* Get off of me!

Warren: Look at her beat up that old dude!

Fred: He got what was coming to him!

Rebecca: Yes!!! Take that, Grandpa!

Mother: Take that, Dad!

This story was written on Thursday, August 20th, 2020.

A/N That old buzzard got his! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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