Forgetfulness Eats Out Of The Trash

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Forgetfulness: I'm so hungry.

Dana: Find something to eat, F. I have hot dogs in the fridge, that you can boil.

Forgetfulness: I don't want hot dogs. *looks at the fast food in the trash* Food! *eats fries from Burger King from the trash*

Dana: Ew! You're gross! Stop that, F!

Forgetfulness: *eating a half eaten burger from the trash*

Dana: F, if you don't stop, you're gonna get sick! You can't be eating food that's been in the garbage!

Forgetfulness: *ignoring Dana, and still eating the garbage food*

Dana: You're an idiot.

This story was written on Wednesday, August 12th, 2020.

A/N Forgetfulness is not only stupid, but he's disgusting! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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