Offered A Ride To California

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Benjamin: *walking along*

Man: You there! *poking his head out of his car window*

Benjamin: Me?

Man: Yeah! How would you like to go to California with me?

Benjamin: California?

Man: Yes!

Benjamin: Sure, I'm down!

Ken: Oh no, you don't! Don't you get in that car with him, Benjamin!

Benjamin: Yeah, but....

Ken: No buts! *talking to the stranger* You sir, better mosey on out of here!

Man: Okay. *drives off*

Ken: I got my eye on you, Benjamin! Come on home, right this instant!

Benjamin: Yes, sir.

This story was written on Wednesday, August 12th, 2020.

A/N Ken caught Benjamin just in time! That man seemed pretty shady! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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