Just Leave The Girl Alone

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Wendy was picking blueberries for her mother. She saw a girl, sitting by a bench, covering her ears. She came towards her way, and tapped her shoulder.

"What?" asked the girl.

"Can I ask, why are you covering your ears?" asked Wendy.

"Um," was the girl's reply.

"Um is not a word," said Wendy. "I asked you a question, and you're gonna answer me. Why are you covering your ears?"

"Well, you see, I..."

"Just answer the question!"

"Hey, leave that girl alone!" yelled a man. "She probably has autism!"

"So, what?" snorted Wendy.

"Let her cover her ears, and you go on about your business!" demanded the man. "Go away, before I tell your parents!"

"Fine!" snapped Wendy. She went back to picking blueberries, and the girl thanked the man, for standing up for her.

This story was written on Sunday, August 16th, 2020.

A/N What people need to realize, is that when someone is covering their ears, they might be autisic, or have sensory overload issues. And, they shouldn't be judged for it. I have autism, so I know the feeling very well. This was my TED talk. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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