Ken Doesn't Untie Benjamin

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Ken: I'm not gonna untie you, Benjamin!

Benjamin: What, why?

Ken: Cause, you made the biggest mistake of your life! Melissa had every right to tie you up! And, I am putting more duct tape on your mouth! *duct tapes Benjamin's mouth shut* There!

Benjamin: *muffled protests*

Ken: I'm going to Nate's house to play Poker. You're gonna be alone, for 3 hours more! Everyone is going to the movies, after Dairy Queen! Bye! *leaves Benjamin tied up*

Benjamin: *muffled* Aw, come on!!!!

This story was written on Saturday, August 15th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is gonna be tied up to no end! We're on our way to the movies now! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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