Rainy Days Don't Have To Be Boring

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Tammy was staring out the window, at the pouring rain. She was planning on riding her bike, but the rain ruined her plans. She was cooped up inside, with nothing to do. "Rainy days are the worst!" she pouted. "All you can do is stay inside, and watch the rain come down."

"Try to find something fun to do," suggested her older sister, Josephine. "Watch a movie, or something."

"I rather pretend that I am in a magical world, where unicorns rule the place, and there plenty of gumdrops!" said Tammy.

"All make believe, twerp!" snorted Josephine, her face buried in a magazine.

"Watch me!" said Tammy. She closed her eyes, and imagined herself in a magical world, where unicorns were aplenty. The unicorns also spoke. Gumdrops fell from the sky. And best of all, it was not raining.

"Yay, this is fun!" beamed Tammy.

"There is no rain in our world!" said one of the unicorns. "Nothing but sunshine, and happiness!"

"These gumdrops are so sweet!" said Tammy, eating a strawberry flavored gumdrop. "These are sure to ruin my taste buds, but I don't care!"

"You can stay here as long as you want, little girl!" said another unicorn. "And, ignore your sister! You're not a twerp!"

"Thanks, unicorns! I will stay in your world, forever!"

This story was written on Thursday, August 13th, 2020.

A/N On a rainy day, use your imagination! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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