Forgetfulness Made A Stupid Mistake

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Forgetfulness: *feeling ill*

Dana: What's wrong with you?

Forgetfulness: I feel like that burger didn't agree with me.

Dana: You're such an idiot.

Forgetfulness: *vomits* I am never eating a mud burger, again.

Dana: Good! I don't think Burger King would even think about having mud burgers on the menu! It would be gross! *cleans up the vomit*

Forgetfulness: *moans* I'm such an idiot. I just wanted to try something different.

Dana: Yes, you are an idiot. Do you still want a mud smoothie? *smirks*

Forgetfulness: Please don't say that! Oh no! Not again! *pukes his guts out again*

Dana: *giggles*

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N Forgetfulness learned the hard way, folks! I wouldn't eat a mud burger! Gross! Or drink a mud smoothie! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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