Lost My Inhaler

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HermioneGranger5117: Babe, I can't find my inhaler! Have you seen it?

Me: Oh dear! You probably misplaced it, babe! Let me try to look for it!

HermioneGranger5117: Thanks, babe! Hopefully, you can find it, before my asthma starts to flare up!

Me: I'm on it, babe! *looks for her inhaler*

Benjamin: Looking for this? *smirking and holding her inhaler*

HermioneGranger5117: Give that back, Benjamin! I need that for asthma relief!

Benjamin: You ain't getting it back!

HermioneGranger5117: Babe, Benjamin has my inhaler!

Me: Benjamin, you give her back her inhaler, right now!

Benjamin: Nope!

Me: I said, give it back to her!

Benjamin: Make me!

Me: That does it! Melissa, open the casket!

Melissahoel1: On it! *opens it* Who needs to go inside?

Me: Benjamin does!

Benjamin: *gets scared and give her back* Here you go!

HermioneGranger5117: Thank you! Don't ever mess with my inhaler, again!

Benjamin: I'm sorry!

Me: Too late for apologies, Benjamin! Since you didn't want to listen, you have to go in the casket! Come on!

Melissahoel1: *shoves Benjamin into the casket* We were gonna give you a break from your punishments, but you had to mess with her inhaler! More punishments on the way!*slams the casket shut and sits on it*

HermioneGranger5117: *sits on the casket with Melissa*

Benjamin: *from inside the casket* Get me out! I'm sorry!

This story was written on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020.

A/N Benjamin made the biggest mistake of his life! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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