Opening Someone's Locker Cause I Feel Like It

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Melissahoel1: *sneaks into a school* Here are the lockers! *opens a random locker without a lock on it* Books, and a Nintendo Switch! That's easy to steal!

Benjamin: That's not your locker!

Melissahoel1: *closes the locker* I know, stupid! I just felt like opening it!

Benjamin: You better not do anything that will get us into trouble!

Melissahoel1: Us? You mean, you! *makes Benjamin pull the fire alarm and runs out the doors*

Benjamin: *dumbfounded as he sees everyone leave their classrooms to evacuate the school*

Principal: You pulled the fire alarm! You're gonna be in so much trouble!

Benjamin: It wasn't me, sir!

Principal: Shut up!

Pam: You idiot! *shoves Benjamin into an empty locker, and slams it shut*

Benjamin: *from inside the locker* Get me out of here!!!

Potato190505: *puts a padlock on the locker* Whoever is in that locker, is never getting out!

Benjamin: Let me out!

Me: *kicks the locker with Benjamin inside*

Benjamin: What's happening?!

ThrseHoel: *banging on the locker*

Benjamin: Stop it!!

HermioneGranger5117: This is funny! *giggles*

Fred: Benjamin got shoved into a locker! This is going on YouTube! *filming the whole thing*

Stan: It's gonna be lit!

Warren: Yep!

This story was written on Friday, August 21st, 2020.

A/N Benjamin got shoved into a locker!! Will he ever get out? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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