In The Pool In The Rain

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Melissahoel1: It's raining!!! *looking out the window* I gotta put on my bathing suit!!

Benjamin: You're gonna swimming in the pool, in this rain? Are you crazy?

Melissahoel1: Shut up, Benjamin!

Benjamin: Don't tell me to shut..... *gets interrupted by Melissa*

Melissahoel1: I said shut up, Benjamin! I'm not gonna repeat myself!

Benjamin: Fine! Go on and enjoy swimming in the rain.

Melissahoel1: I will, thank you!

Time skip...

Melissahoel1: *in the pool in the pouring rain* This is the life!

This story was written on Wednesday, August 19th, 2020.

A/N Melissa is a rain lover!!!! Anything to make her happy! ❤️ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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