Benjamin Is Not In Charge Here! I Am!

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Benjamin: Wait, hold up, now! Stop!! Can someone explain to me why Will is writing about me in hilarious situations? I want out! No more getting strapped to the chair! No more washing machine! None of those things! I deserve to be treated with respect!

Me: As long as you're in my stories, you are the subject of hilarious situations! Got that?

Benjamin: What you gonna do, huh? Let a piano crush me? Like to see you try!

Me: Okay, you asked for it!

Piano: *falls towards Benjamin and crushes him*

Benjamin: *out cold by the piano, with cartoon stars floating above him, and his tongue sticking out*

Me: I'm in charge, not Benjamin!

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N *grabs mic* Sorry about that, folks! Benjamin doesn't run the show around here! I do! Anyway, don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks. *drops mic and walks off the stage, leaving an out cold Benjamin*

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