Making Melissa Disappear In The Closet

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Me: I will now do a magic trick! I will make Melissa vanish, in this closet!

Melissahoel1: Yay!

Benjamin: Pfft! Magic isn't real!

Me: *ignores Benjamin* Okay, hon! Step in the closet, please!

Melissahoel1: Okay, hon! *steps inside the closet with a big smile on her face*

Me: I will now close the closet! After I say, pizza pizza, she will have vanished into thin air! Pizza pizza! *opens the closet, and Melissa is not there* Gadzooks! She disappeared!

Potato190505: Holy cow!

Benjamin: That can't be possible! Melissa, get out of the closet!

ThrseHoel: My sister vanished, Benjamin! She's not there!

Benjamin: This has gotta be a joke, right?

HermioneGranger5117: Babe, that was impressive! Can you bring her back?

Me: Sure! *closes the closet* After I say pizza pizza, she will reappear! Pizza pizza! *opens the closet, and Melissa is back* Ta da!!!!!

Everyone: *cheering and clapping*

Melissahoel1: I'm back! *giggles*

Benjamin: *faints*

Pam: Ha ha! Benjamin fainted! The magic act was too much for him!

Me: Thank you! Thank you! *bows*

This story was written on Friday, August 21st, 2020.

A/N I made Melissa disappear, and reappear! Magic is so cool! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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