Putting A Stick Of Butter Into Her Jeans Pocket

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HigherthanHeaven: *gets a stick of butter out of the fridge*

Benjamin: What are you gonna do with that stick of butter?

HigherthanHeaven: None of your business! *puts the stick of butter into her jeans pocket*

Benjamin: I don't even want to know.

Time skip.....

HigherthanHeaven: Ah, cool! The butter has melted in my jeans pocket, making it all buttery!

Benjamin: You wasted some good butter!

HigherthanHeaven: Shut up! The heat outside, melted the butter! I might think about putting some cheese into my jeans pocket, and melt that!

Benjamin: You're wasting food that way!

HigherthanHeaven: I said, shut up! *knocks Benjamin out* Don't make me have to tell you, again!

Benjamin: *out cold*

This story was written on Thursday, August 13th, 2020.

A/N Her jeans got all buttery! Ha ha ha! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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