Telling Him To Shut Up? Bad Move!

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Doris: Shut up!

Me: Did you just tell me to shut up?

Doris: Yes, I did! Shut up!

HigherthanHeaven: I heard that! Hold still! *beats up Doris for telling me to shut up*

Doris: *getting the snot beat out of her*

Me: That'll teach her!

HigherthanHeaven: I took care of her!

Doris: *out cold*

HigherthanHeaven: Anyone else tells you to shut up, let me know, okay, hun?

Me: Okay, boo.

Doris: *still out cold*

This story was written on Sunday, August 16th, 2020.

A/N This is based on a true story, actually. Some girl from this live chat on YouTube had the audacity to tell me to shut up! I haven't said anything to her. Anyone that tells me to shut up, HigherthanHeaven will hunt you down, and beat you up! She doesn't mess around! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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