Believe In Yourself

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Laura: I can't do this.

Joshua: What's wrong, Laura?

Laura: My stories are horrible.

Joshua: No, they're not. I love them.

Laura: Someone on Wattpad, said I should give up. There is no future for me in writing.

Joshua: Who told you that?

Laura: This girl.

Joshua: Don't listen to her! She has no idea, what she's talking about. Laura, your stories are amazing! I read them, and they are so creative!

Laura: You think so?

Joshua: Of course! You just have to believe in yourself! It takes practice to be a good writer! But, I believe in you, Laura! And, so should you!

Laura: Thank you, Joshua! That means so much to me! I feel so confident now!

Joshua: That's what I wanted to hear! Don't let anyone drag you down!

This story was written on Friday, August 21st, 2020.

A/N We can all do anything, if we just put our minds to it! Who cares what anyone else thinks? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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