Forgetfulness Starts Driver's Ed Next Week

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Dana: F, you start Driver's Ed next week. I am gonna write a check for $400.

Forgetfulness: What's the $400 for?

Dana: To pay for the classes, stupid! Don't you ever pay attention?

Forgetfulness: Sorry.

Dana: At least you been studying your manual. But, you really need to improve more on your driving. You have to use your blinker, when making turns. And look out your mirrors.

Forgetfulness: Do you think I'll pass?

Dana: Only you can make that happen, F. Whenever I think you're ready, you can make an appointment for your test.

Forgetfulness: Okay.

This story was written on Thursday, August 27th, 2020.

A/N In all honesty, I don't think F will pass! He'll fail, in a heartbeat! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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