Back To School Shopping

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At Wal Mart......

Helen: *getting some jeans*

Mother: You will also need new socks.

Helen: *gets some white knee socks*

Mother: Some new shoes.

Helen: *gets a pair of blue canvas shoes*

Mother: Get yourself a dress!

Helen: Okay. *gets a blue dress, with white polka dots*

Mother: Now to the writing supplies. Helen, push the carriage, please. I have to make a phone call to Linda.

Helen: Alright, Mom. We're going to Wendy's afterwards, right?

Mother: Yes, dear. *calls Linda*

Helen: *pushes the carriage to the writing supplies section*

This story was written on Friday, August 21st, 2020.

A/N Back to school is around the corner! Dun dun dunnnnn!!!!!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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