My Magic Wand Came In Handy

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Benjamin: Will, you are loser, and your stories are just awful!

Me: They're not awful, and I'm not a loser, Benjamin!

TheFallenUnforgiven: Benjamin, buzz off!

Benjamin: Try and make me!

TheFallenUnforgiven: *gets her magic wand and makes Benjamin disappear in a cloud of smoke*

Benjamin: *disappears in a cloud of smoke*

TheFallenUnforgiven: There! I always keep my magic wand, handy! You okay, love? *hugging me*

Me: *hugging her back* I am, babes.

ThrseHoel: Aw, so sweet!

This story was written on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020.

A/N TheFallenUnforgiven made Benjamin disappear with her magic wand! She's such an angel! She can make anyone feel better! ❤❤❤❤ Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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