2020 Locked In The Closet

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Rachel: *locking 2020 in her closet* You're never coming out!

2020: *from inside the closet* What did I do?

Rachel: Don't play stupid with me! You know darn well what you did!

2020: *realizes what he done* Oh. I'm sorry, okay?

Rachel: Too late! The damage is already done! I'm sure 2021 will be way better!

2020: Let me out, okay? I said I was sorry!

Rachel: Don't make me come in there, and beat you up! Now, shut up!

This story was written on Sunday, August 16th, 2020.

A/N 2020 is responsible for all that he's done! He deserves to be held accountable! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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