Benjamin Wants To Work At 5 Guys

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Benjamin: I want to work at 5 Guys.

Ken: Fill out an application, then. What would you want to do there?

Benjamin: Food prep, I guess.

Me: I work at 5 Guys. You better not get in my way, Benjamin.

HermioneGranger5117: He'll probably slack off the job!

ThrseHoel: My thoughts exactly!

Melissahoel1: Or, harass the customers!

Benjamin: Guys, shut up!

Ken: You better not mess around, Benjamin! How are you gonna make a good impression? And, what if 5 Guys already has enough employees? They may not be hiring right now!

Benjamin: Let me call 5 Guys, and find out, myself! *calls 5 Guys*

Rachel Anderson: 5 Guys Middletown! You ordering?

Benjamin: Are you hiring?

Rachel Anderson: No, we're not hiring right now. All the positions are full, sorry.

Benjamin: Okay.

Rachel Anderson: Yeah, bye. *quickly hangs up*

Benjamin: They ain't hiring.

Ken: Too bad.

This story was written on Monday, August 31st, 2020.

A/N 5 Guys ain't hiring right now, Benjamin. Sorry. Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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