A Snobby Girl

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Susan: Listen, Will! I will only talk to a select group of people. And, you're not part of that select group.

Me: Okay.

serenadeofblue: Snobby much? You sound like a spoiled brat!

Susan: I am not! I only talk to a select group of people! And, he needs to understand that!

suvpernovasslut-: Girl, you need to shut up! *beats up Susan*

Susan: *gets beat up*

Melissahoel1: I'll always talk to you, hun! That Susan is a total snob!

Me: She is!

serenadeofblue: Susan is getting just what she deserves!

suvpernovasslut-: *still beating up Susan*

This story was written on Sunday, August 30th, 2020.

A/N A select group of people? Please! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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