Clean Your Room!

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Mother: Listen, Ashley! Your room is helter skelter! Clothes on the floor, and crumbs!

Ashley: So?

Mother: Start cleaning! And, I want you to vacuum the floor! Until your room is clean and neat, you cannot hang out with friends.

Ashley: Mom!

Mother: Don't Mom me! Get busy!

Ashley: You're ruining my life!

Mother: Just shut up, and clean your pigsty of a room! *goes back downstairs to peel potatoes for the potato salad*

Ashley: I hate my mom! I can't wait to move out, and get my own apartment. *starts cleaning her room*

This room was written on Saturday, August 29th, 2020.

A/N Ashley, you should never hate your mother! And, hate is such a strong word! All she told you to do was clean your room! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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