NYC Trip

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Me: We will be going to New York, in October!

Warren: Wow! The Big Apple!

Stan: The city that never sleeps!

Melissahoel1: Whoo hoo, New York!!! I want to try the New York style pizza!!!

Me: I do, too!!

HigherthanHeaven: Of course, you love pizza, boo! *tickles me*

Me: *laughs*

Benjamin: I can't wait for NY!

ThrseHoel: You ain't going, Benjamin! You're staying right here in Connecticut! After that North Carolina fiasco, you can't go anywhere, right now!

Benjamin: You got to be kidding me!

Warren: Sorry, but tough kitty chow!

Stan: We have been punishing you, so hard, we will continue that process!

Benjamin: This isn't right!

Me: Who's fault is it?

Benjamin: Mine.

Me: Okay, then!

Benjamin: Where in New York, are you going?

Stan: Manhattan.

Fred: It's gonna be lit, y'all!

FALCON_FURY: Did someone say New York? Count me in!

Jebsany: Tough luck, Benjamin! We're going to New York, and you can't go!

Benjamin: I know!

This story was written on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin can't go to New York with us! He knows why! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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