Strawberry Cupcakes Yum!

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TheFallenUnforgiven: I could sure go for a strawberry cupcake.

Me: I baked some!

TheFallenUnforgiven: *squeals with delight* Yay!*takes 3 cupcakes* Thank you so much, sweetie! I love you!

Me: My pleasure, love you, too!

Benjamin: Can I have some?

TheFallenUnforgiven: No!

Benjamin: Fine! If I ever bake any cupcakes, you won't get to have any, either!

Me: Whatever. *eats some cupcakes too*

2020: Do I get a cupcake?

Me: No!

2020: Okay.

TheFallenUnforgiven: Those cupcakes are for me and Will! Sorry!

2020: I understand.

This story was written on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020.

A/N Only Penne and I can have the cupcakes! Not Benjamin and 2020! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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