Melissa Can Fly

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Melissa: I wish I could fly.

Sean Lamothe: Yeah, that'd be cool, Mel!

Me: Yes, it sure would!

Melissa: *flaps her hands and starts to fly* Wow, I can fly! Fellas, I can fly!

I Believe I Can Fly by R Kelly plays, as Melissa is soaring into the sky.

Melissahoel1: Do my eyes deceive me? Is she actually flying?

Me: Yup! She can fly!

Melissa: Come on, and sing, while I fly!

All Of Us: * singing*

I Believe I Can Fly
I Believe I Can Touch The Sky
I Think About You Every Night And Day
Spread My Wings And Fly Away
I Believe I Can Soar

Joe: You cannot fly!

The song grinds to a halt, and Melissa falls towards the ground with a splat, like Wile E Coyote.

Melissa: Joe, how could you?!

Joe: That song was from the movie Space Jam, which came out in 1996! This flying stuff was just a gag, let me tell ya!

Melissa: I wanted something good to happen to me for once! But, no! Joe had to ruin it!

R Kelly: Thought you could fly!

Melissa: *runs into the closet to cry*

Me: Melissa, come out of the closet!

Melissa: *sobbing from in the closet* No!

Trapped In The Closet by R Kelly plays, all of us try to get Melissa to come out of the closet.

R Kelly: *sings* Well I Was Just Standing Here..........

This story was written on Tuesday, August 25th, 2020.

A/N Melissa can't fly, and now she won't come out of the closet! This is 2005 all over again! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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