Sick With Asthma

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Melissahoel1: *coughing and sneezing* Being sick is no fun. Especially, for an asthmatic girl like me. *coughs*

Me: *makes you some hot tea* Here you go, hon. Drink this hot tea.

Melissahoel1: Thank you! *drinks the hot tea* Hopefully, I will get better soon. *coughs again* Darn it! *uses her inhaler and takes a few puffs of it* I have to go to my doctor, to get more of my asthma medication.

Me: Yup.

Benjamin: Good thing, I don't have asthma! Ha ha!

HermioneGranger5117: Shut up, Benjamin!

Benjamin: Well, you have asthma, too!

HermioneGranger5117: I know, but it hasn't been out of control. Just depends on the elements.

Melissahoel1: *coughing again and again* Stupid asthma! *uses her inhaler again*

Me: Want some more hot tea?

Melissahoel1: Please!

This story was written on Wednesday, August 26th, 2020.

A/N Melissa's asthma has got the best of her! Hopefully, it will subside! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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