Benjamin Is Scared Of Us

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Benjamin: You guys stay away from me! Okay?

Me: Why? What have we done?

Benjamin: You strapped me to a chair, I got slapped, you fed me butternut squash, pinched my cheeks, put me in a washing machine, and hung me out to dry! How can you guys be so cruel to me like that?!

ThrseHoel: And, the fun is not over, yet!

Melissahoel1: We'll decide, when the fun is over, Benjamin! And, before you ask, no, we won't go easy on you! Sorry, not sorry! We're gonna have you swim in a tank with sharks! That's our next plan!

Benjamin: Please, have mercy!

Warren: Great white sharks!

Benjamin: No!!!

Stan: You shouldn't have went to North Carolina, like that!

Fred: Get your swimming trunks, Benjamin! It's time to go swimming with some underwater buddies!

HigherthanHeaven: Buddies with a huge appetite, I might add!

Benjamin: No!!!!

Ken: *hands Benjamin his swimming trunks, and a towel* Guys, get cracking! Teach this fool a lesson, he'll never forget! Get going!

All Of Us: Yes, sir!

This story was written on Monday, August 17th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is in for some ups and downs! This is sure to last for a while! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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