Forgetfulness Has To Get A Shot

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Forgetfulness: *pets a raccoon*

Raccoon: *bites F*

Forgetfulness: Ow!!!!!

Dana: What happened?

Forgetfulness: That raccoon bit me!

Dana: Why?

Forgetfulness: All I did was pet him!

Dana: You moron! You're rabid! You need to get a tetanus shot!

Forgetfulness: No!!! I hate needles!!

Dana: To the doctor!

Time skip.....

Doctor: You know darn well, that raccoons have rabies! Time for your shot! Hold still!

Forgetfulness: No!

Dana: Try not to look at the needle, F!

Doctor: *gets the needle and pokes F with it*

Forgetfulness: Ow!!!!!! *crying*

Doctor: There we go! All set! You can go now!

Forgetfulness: *still crying*

Dana: Thanks, Doc! Come on, you crybaby! *takes F out of the doctor's office*

This story was written on Thursday, August 20th, 2020.

A/B Forgetfulness is a wuss! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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