Benjamin Banned From North Carolina

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Melissahoel1: Benjamin, it might interest you to know, that I spoke to the governor of North Carolina, and I told him to ban you from ever entering the Tar Heel State!

Benjamin: What?! How could you?!

Me: You can only go far south as Virginia! You are not to set foot in North Carolina, under any circumstances!

Stan: Tough, but fair!

Benjamin: I cannot believe this!

Fred: I can't believe it's not butter!

All Of Us: *laughing hysterically*

Benjamin: Oh, so you guys think this is funny, eh? I wanted to visit Grandfather Mountain in Asheville!

ThrseHoel: You can't now! North Carolina, is officially off limits to you!

Benjamin: *getting fiesty* Of all the no good rotten......

Warren: *gives Benjamin a Snickers* You're not you, when you don't have a Snickers!

Benjamin: Uh, thanks..... *eats the Snickers*

This story was written on Friday, August 28th, 2020.

A/N Benjamin is forbidden from entering North Carolina! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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