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Hello and welcome to this story!

This is the first story I'll be publishing and I'm not certain if I'll publish any others. I do have loads of drafts though, so it should be interesting...

First of, I do not own any of these characters, and even though they are human beings irl, some of them might be animals for this story though...

Next, I do not own this idea. It did not come from my own brain. Credit goes to lemonadedispenserXXX. A literal dispenser of ideas you are. 😂 Please forgive me if I don't do your idea justice.

Finally, if the story doesn't go the way you like, I'm sorry. I cannot cater to everyone's preference, what goes on is what played out in my mind.

Also, I'm not the best at writing long chapters. I always end up writing short chapters with more parts overall. Or maybe it's just this story, I really don't know. Sorry if you enjoy long chapters...

One more thing: I prefer to have chapters written in advance, so that I can edit it first before publishing. Once I run out of pre-written chapters, however, the updates will probably be sporadic.

TMI: As of this moment where I'm contemplating publishing this, there are 34 parts pre-written.

Right off the bat though, I will say that the first few Hwa chapters are pretty bad cause my idea wasn't as developed. So, if you make it through that, I praise and thank you for the effort! It gets better from there, I promise.

Anyways, thanks for reading this relatively short disclaimer and let's get on with the book!

Lol this disclaimer is longer than some chapters... I'm sorrrryyyy

🌹Garden of Fallen Angels 🌹

Writing started: 12/8/2020
First published: 10/10/2020

Writing ended: 1/4/2021
Story completed: 4/4/2021

🌹Garden of Fallen Angels🌹


Garden of Fallen Angels {seongjoong} [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now