P r o l o g u e

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A cheer went up in the room as children, teens, and adults alike sat on pillows, chairs, and stools at the local bookstore.
The bookstore itself was stacked to the brim with different assortment of books from every size, shape, and color. Painted a bright blue it caught the attnetion of any passerby. But not as the special guest who appeared before them.

More definite claps resounded through the bookstore as the young woman sat down on a stool, fixing her black glasses on her face. She wore a tight bun that held back her ginger hair, along with a red sweater, a long skirt and heels. She was of average height and had pale red eyes.

"Hello everyone! Have you come to hear my latest fantasy novel?"

"Yes!!" cried everyone in the bookstore, they were fidgeting ang jumping up and down.

"Good." the woman smiled. "I'm, of course, your host Kameko Takashimizu....Today I'll be reading you my best-selling novel, are you ready everyone?"

"Yes, we are!!" they shouted back.

Kameko fixed her glasses, and clapped her hand. "I had to ask for a bit of help from my friends, Emiyo and Oozora Lisa-chan in order to write it. I couldn't possibly write it by myself."

"Ah, Lisa Oozora....the international fashion designer?!" a girl squealed. "I'm a huge fan!"

"Lisa-chan will be very happy to hear that..." Kameko said in a know-it-all manner before lowering her voice into a whisper. "Would you believe me if I said my novels were autobiographical?" she added with a wink.

The children gasped and was soon followed by giggling, however the adults merely rolled their eyes, sighing. The knew the world-renowed author was incredibly skilled, but she had her moments where she believed in what she wrote. Magic, heroes, and other worlds were always in her head, she always behaved like a child that it was impossible to believe she was an adult like them. She was way too childish.

Kameko took note of their stares and face expressions, but the twinkle never faded from her eyes. She continued, slightly disappointed that some chose not to believe her.

"It's true..." Kameko said confidently. "The world is filled with magic and such wonder if you'd stop to look around, but I can't force you to see it, only you can...just as I did."

Kameko saw the audience's gleaming and awaiting faces. Taking a collective breath, Kameko flipped to the first page of her book and began...

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