💜Happy Birthday💜

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And Suddenly You Just Know It's Time To Start Something New And Trust The Magic Of Beginnings


Author's Pov

"Happy Birthday My Princess..."

Her closed eyelids slowly started to move as soon as her ears heard that voice and its words. She sluggishly opened her wide doe eyes and a beautiful smile crept on her pink and slightly pouty lips watching the person to whom that voice belonged to.

She immediately got up from her bed while rubbing her eyes and blinked her big lashes and then walked towards him.

"Thank you so much Oppa". She said and kissed his right cheek like a kid making him to beamed beautifully.

(Oppa term is used to address a brother or any other older man in Korean which is used by Females only..)

He palmed her soft and fluffy cheeks and tenderly pecked her forehead

"Today officially my little Princess become a big girl after all she finally turned 18 today.."

Y/n giggled hearing her Oppa's words.

"Oppa loves you so much my Princess and wishes you the most beautiful and healthy life ahead. " He stated smiling warmly which made her doe eyes to turned slightly glossy because of her oversensitive nature by watching the care and love in his for her.

"I love you too Oppa. "She said on the edge of shedding her tears while looking at his deep brown eyes in which she believed her whole world was living inside them because he was her only family, her mother,her father,her brother everything...She found her whole family in him,the only person she trusted and loved more then her own self .

" Don't..you know that Oppa hates seeing your tears Princess." He said wipping her crystal tears gently and again kissed her forehead affectionately..

"Now smile because your beautiful smile and shinning alluring eyes is your Oppa's life's biggest blessing and happiness..."

Her heart fluttered hearing his precious words for her to which a warm smile automatically made its way on her face again making him smiled too..

He patted her head and than gave her the box he was holding which was wrapped in a beautiful and shiny gift paper .

"This is for my beautiful Princess. Now go and get ready , somebody is waiting for you downstairs impatiently." He stated grinning earning an excited nod from her.

" Thank you so much Oppa. " She said hugging him and pecked his cheek one last time and then took her steps towards her bathroom.

After half and hour

At Min Mansion's Hall

"Hyung where is that cute little creature of yours ?" A voice spoke staring at the white marble stairs with his slightly impatient eyes and before he could get his reply ...

(Hyung term is used to address a brother in Korean which is used by males only..)

"I am here ."

And those impatient eyes got stucked at the owner of that gentle voice as he became mesmerized .

By seeing the ethereal looking human being standing in front of him above the stairs.

She smiled watching him and then took her steps down stairs..

"Oppa see he is calling me creature again" She complaint her Oppa while pouting her lips cutely making him to smiled.

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