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I'm a sinner
I'm a saint
I do not feel ashamed
I'm your hell
I'm your dream
I'm nothing in between


Author's Pov

"Y/n it's going to be alright, just stop worrying" Chaerin said to Y/n who was looking lost in her own thoughts.

Y/n looked at her .

"And just remember what I told you earlier" Chaerin stated looking at Y/n and gave her an assuring smile .

Y/n just nodded at her and looked down towards the floor .

She closed her eyes tightly and remembered her words


About an hour ago..

"Sssh ....stop calm down my baby , everything will be alright soon" Chaerin stated patting Y/n's head softly

Y/n just sobbed into her chest.

"Hey girls " A voice spoke gathering both the girl's attention towards it.

"What are you guys do... " He stopped  in the middle of his sentence watching Y/n's state

He gasped looking at her and took his steps towards her hurriedly

"What happened Y/n? Why are you crying tell me? " He asked with a worried expression on his face

Y/n looked at Chaerin where panic started to rise in her body.

"Ummm.. Mark what are you doing here? " Chaerin stuttered looking at him

"No first answer my question what happened to her, why she is crying? " He asked getting more tensed

"Umm.. Mark it's nothing" Chaerin replied hesitated

"Than why is she crying? " He asked looking at Y/n's trembling state

"It's not like that" Chaerin spoke

"Than how is it? " He asked looking at Chaerin

"Ummm... Actually we fought over something and I said something bad to her and then she just started crying" Chaerin replied trying to cover Y/n's truth.

"What ? " He said in almost disbelief.

"Umm... Yeah I am responsible for her this state " Chaerin said with a fake guilty expression on her face.

"But why did you said all such bad things to her that made her to cry? " He asked getting suspicious of her excuse.

"Umm.. You know girls mood swings. I am so sorry my Y/nnie for hurting you with my harsh words"

Y/n looked at Chaerin with shocked eyes watching her excellent acting

"Is that so Y/n? " Mark's voice took Y/n out of her thoughts.

She looked at him and slightly nodded.

"You girls I thought something bad  happened to her" Mark said with a sigh.

"Umm... Yeah it's nothing to get worried " Chaerin replied with a smile

"Are you ok now Y/n? " Mark asked concerned

"Yeah now I am fine, don't worry Mark" Y/n replied wiping her tears gently while showing him her cute smile

He also smiled back at her and said

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