💜Because Of You💜

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Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you


Author's Pov

At Hospital

"Y/nnnie calm down please.. Please calm down.... "

"Yes angel. Please your body is weak please try to understand please... "

"Ms.Min please.... "

"No.... No.. Leave me where is my baby? I ...I want it, I want it back at any cost. ... My baby.. " Y/n yelled while shedding painful hot tears from her eyes and tried to snatch herself from Jimin's and Chaerin's embrace.

"Leave me please, give me my baby back please... " She bursted out crying while struggling in their grip making everyone's eyes heavy with tears who were present inside that room .

"Y/nnnie...please please calm down please... " Chaerin stated crying while holding her tightly.

"Please control yourself, you will hurt yourself please Angel please... " Jimin said in a begging tone while holding her in his embrace firmly.

But Y/n's ears became deaf ,deaf by her pain where as her heart started to hurt so badly that she  couldn't even capable of feeling her any other physical pain, she forcefully tried to snatch herself from their grip

"Ms.Y/n calm down ,your wounds are fresh, they will get open up if you continue to struggle like this. Please understand, your wounds.. "

"My wounds, you're only seeing my physical pain but what about the pain I am feeling from inside ? My baby whose face I didn't even get to watch ... My baby no..no..please give it back to me no..." Y/n screamed out of her lungs where as her every wound started to hurt painfully making her whole body burning in pain

But it was nothing as compared to the pain she was feeling inside her heart

"Why did you save me? Why didn't you let me die with my child ?No.. No.. My baby.... " Y/n shouted while shedding her heart aching painful tears..

"Please Y/n please.. .... "Chaerin cried

"No... No... My baby no.. No.. Why didn't I die instead of it.. Why...? "

"Princess.....! "

Everyone looked towards the owner of that voice and Y/n's heart started to ache more badly than it already was.

Suga's heart shattered completely watching her in that state, he stormed towards her and caged her trembling weak body in his embrace tightly and sobbed

"Oppa ....oppa  my b. .. Baby.... " Y/n broken down into tears in his embrace making Suga's eyes to fell sharp tears by watching and listening to her agonizing state.

"Oppa I want it back, I wa.. Want to go.. To. It.. My... . My. Baby... " She sobbed while chocking on her tears.

"Princess please c... Control yourself please calm down... "

"How can I calm down Oppa knowing I.. I.. Lost my.. My.... " Y/n yelled but unable to complete her sentence because of the painful lump in her throat..

"Princess... Please.... " Suga said slightly broking the hug..

Y/n forcefully pushed him away and shouted

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