💜Forbidden Love💜

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Forbidden love
For - Forbidden love
Forbidden love
For - Forbidden love
You make me feel free
But we're stuck in a dream


Author's Pov


Open your eyes please, n.. No. No please.. Open your eyes... " Y/n said bursted out crying while holding his lifeless body in her embrace tightly.

"Please Mark I am sorry, I am so sorry please forgive me please open your eyes..please.. " She spoke while continued  crying and firming her grip around him .

But her body got frozen at her place when she heard loud banging of gun shots which coming from outside. Her body started to shiver with fear where as her heart beat halted when she found the door to got bursted open.

She immediately closed her eyes with fear, waiting for the worst to taken over her life until.

"Doll.... "

Y/n shut opened her eyes hearing that raspy voice and her heart completely shattered by watching the person standing in front of her with his painful shocked eyes.

Taehyung stared at his doll and his eyes widened with shock when he found her holding Mark's lifeless body while crying and shaking terribly
and found her covered in his blood.

Suga and Jimin entered the room in a hurry and they gasped where as their eyes also got bewildered by watching the seen in front of them.

Suga's heart clenched watching her  miserable state, he stormed towards her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you alright Princess, did you get hurt... Tell me please... ?" Suga said on the verge of panicking

She didn't reply but just held Mark's body more tightly while staring at Taehyung's gloomy eyes making Suga more worried with each passing second.

Jimin walked towards Y/n and tried to take Mark's body out of her embrace.

"No... " Y/n yelled out of her lungs making Jimin to got stopped in his action where as Suga got frozen at his place.

"Don't touch him... Leave him alone.. " She bursted out crying while hugging Mark's body more tightly.

Both Suga and Jimin's heart clenched watching her like that. On the other hand Taehyung's body completely became numb where as he felt like his heart stopped beating completely witnessing her shattering so badly.

"No..no don't touch him please.. Please... " Y/n begged while broken out crying grabbing Mark's arms more tightly.

"Princess leave him... Please look at me please... " Suga said almost on the edge of tearing up.

Jimin forcefully snatched Mark's body from her grip making her yelled at him in anger

"Jimin Stop leave him... " Y/n screamed making Jimin eyes watery watching her painful state.

Suga turned her face towards him and buried her face into his chest while hugging her tightly

"Please calm down my Princess please... " He begged while tears started to fall from his eyes.

"No... Oppa I.... I kill.. Killed him.. I killed Mark w.. With my. Own hands... I.. I am a m.. Monster Oppa.. I took his life... " She said while choking on her tears.

Suga looked at Taehyung hearing her words who was gaping at Y/n completely shocked and frozen at his place. His eyes turned completely blank ,showing no emotion and feeling hearing to her each and every word.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now