💜His Life💜

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His life for mine, his life for mine
How could it ever be?
That he would die
To save a wretch like me
What love divine, he gave his life for mine


Author's Pov

" Y/nnnie,  I am getting a really very bad feeling about  your plan " Chaerin said with a tensed face while looking at Y/n who was eating her food.

Y/n looked at her and then frowned

"Nothing is going to be bad tonight so stop with your wrong feelings" She replied. .

Chaerin looked at her while biting her nails and said

"No Y/nnnie I am scared"

"Of what Chaerinaah? "

Chaerin stared at Y/n in disbelief and spat.

"Of your night in shining armour"

Y/n rolled her eyes at her

"Y/nnnie, he'll kill us even if he find out about this plan of yours" Chaerin uttered still chewing on her nails

"No .... He'll not  " Y/n replied

"Yeah... Easily said by you because we both know very well that he won't hurt you but what about us? " Chaerin spat cutely glaring at her.

Y/n rolled her eyes again and continued eating her food

"Don't roll your eyes at me, I'll take them out of your sockets" Chaerin annoyingly stated

Y/n again rolled her eyes at her but her eyes widened so much that it really looked they were going to get out of her sockets hearing Chaerin's next statement

"Haaah..By the way he may not hurt you physically but what about his pleasurable punishments? I hope you still remember it "

Y/n's whole face turned red at her words.

"Just thinking about it made you lose your all senses then what will happen if you really have to deal with it again"

Chaerin smirked making Y/n's heart beat faster where as her stomach started to tingle thinking about her last night's punishment.

She shrugged her shoulders and then spat while glaring at her

"Chaerinaah stop making me afraid. There is going to be no need for that because he'll never going to know about our plan"

"Who is not going to know about your what plan? "

Both Chaerin and Y/n's world froze hearing that deep husky voice . Y/n looked at Chaerin who looked like she saw a ghost in front of her.

Y/n gulped hard and then turned her head round and saw the Devil standing in front of her ,shoving his hands in his pocket while staring at her with his cold piercing gaze

Y/n's throat became dry and her body got frozen when she again heard his deep calm voice

"I asked something "

Y/n looked at his firm eyes while nervousness started to wash over her, her lips started to quiver which made her to stammered

"Ummmm...ummm.we... "

"We are planning a girls night out for tonight " Chaerin said trying to cover their  situation

Y/n looked at Chaerin and gave her a thanks for saving my life expression where as Taehyung averted his gaze towards Chaerin making her to gulped hard and then again he looked at her and said

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now