💜Heart Beating💜

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Gonna Wear That Dress You Like, Skin-tight
Do My Hair Up Real, Real Nice
And Syncopate My Skin To Your Heart Beating●


Author's Pov

"Because of what happened on this same exact day ....8 years ago..."

"But Hyung why can't he just...." Jimin's stopped completing his words when his eyes fell on a servant who walked in and said

"Sir someone is here at the door and is asking for you. " The servant said to Suga while bowing .

"Ok I am coming ." Suga replied sternly making the servant to again bowed and then left.

Suga's eyes darted towards Jimin as he nodded at him and then walked out followed by Jimin.

At The Door

"Hello Mr Min and Mr Park ." The man said bowing who was standing at the door, waiting for Suga by watching them walking towards him.

They reached to him and Suga asked

"Why are you here...? "

"Actually Mr....."

The man's words got halted when Suga's phone started ringing.

Suga took out his phone from his back pocket and by seeing the caller I'd his entire facial expression turned more tensed and worried which made Jimin to understand that who was calling him by seeing the sudden change in Suga's facial expression.

"Hello..." Suga said picking up the call .

"You got the parcel,tell her to wear that dress for tonight's party ."

Suga's face turned more rigid hearing that deep and husky voice speaking  and then the phone call got disconnected from the other side which made a sigh to escaped from Suga's mouth.

"Give it to me. " He spoke to the person and then that man gave the parcel box to Suga and than left.

"What is this hyung? " Jimin asked pointing at the box Suga was holding.

"A dress.....He sent this dress for her and wants her to wear this for her tonight's birthday party. "

"But Hyung do you think she will wear this and what if she asked that who sent this gift then..?"

Suga exhaled a deep breath hearing Jimin's question and looked at him.

"We can't tell her that who has sent this gift for her and if she asked then I'll say I have selected this for her and if she doesn't wear this then you know very well that the consequences won't be good for any of us. " Suga stated a little tensed making Jimin to sighed .

"Fine then Hyung. "

Inside Y/n's room

"I am so excited for your birthday
Y/nnnie." Chaerin said cutely smiling while looking at Y/n making her to chuckled.

"You are always excited for everything Chaerinaah..".

"I know but it's your birthday party . You turned 18 and now there is the time for finding a special person for you.
And Who knows maybe we can find someone tonight at your party. ?" Chaerin smirked cutely making Y/n frowned by hearing and watching her.

"Shut up Chaerinaah.....Oppa will shoot the boy even if he found out that I am just talking to him. "

"Yeah yeah...your overprotective Oppa..." Chaerin stated rolling her eyes but her eyes widened when she heard.

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