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Hold me responsible.
It's all my fault.
I want you to hold me any way you can.
Hold me accountable.
It's all my fault.
I want you to hold me any way you can


Author's Pov


Taehyung's whole body filled with pure rage and wrath where as his eyes turned completely dark hearing those words and specially from that person who was standing in front of him, smiling.

Y/n looked at him with her happy gleaming eyes but soon they turned into tensed and afraid one when his darken and burning eyes stared at her and made her to feel like they were penetrating her soul cruelly.

Everyone gasped present inside that hall where as Y/n's breathing got hitched in her throat when she found him fisting his palms so tightly that his knuckles started to appear white.

Taehyung clenched his jaw aggressively while glaring at Y/n whose face became pale due to fear and panic.

"V it's not. ... " Suga tried to say something but before he could complete his sentence , Taehyung stormed towards Y/n and grabbed her arm firmly.

Y/n gasped when his grip tightened around her and he started to drag her with him forcefully. Suga tried to follow them but Namjoon stopped him

"Let them talk alone Suga...."

"Yes Hyung I think Namjoon Hyung is right.. " Jimin said making Suga to sighed heavily.

And then he nodded his head slowly.


"Leave me....please..."

Y/n hissed when he clutched her arm more tightly and continued to drag her abruptly.

His ears became deaf where as his mind got fully consumed with rage and wrath. He tugged her in an empty place and then pushed her against the wall.

"At least listen.... "

"What the f#ck do you want me to listen ? Your pathetic lie,your f#cking childish plan which you prepared to celebrate this shit. I was afraid, my whole body was terrified, terrified with the thought what if something bad have happened to you ? what if you are hurt?  What if I have lost you again but there you are standing and planning this f#cking shit...

When you are going to stop this childish behavior of yours ? When you are going to understand that everything is not simple as you think? When will you stop pulling this f#cking kind of stunts of yours ? when? "

He bursted out in pure anger, clutching her arms more tightly making her whole body trembled with fear where as her heart shattered into million pieces hearing his words.

She knew from the start that he would get angry on her but she never thought that he would say such harsh things to her.

Her eyes bacame glossy where as tears started to fall from her eyes making her cheeks wet and nose to turned pink.

"I... I... I. Just wanted your happiness... " She whimpered with her slow trembling voice.

His angry eyes soften a little by watching at her teary broken gaze which made hum to loosen his grip around her arms but his body was still burning with rage .

He released her arms and pulled her trembling small figure towards his hard chest by her waist and looked at her messed up crying face

"Why did you lie to me ...? "He asked pulling her body more closer to his if possible

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now