💜Save Me💜

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Why is it so dark when you're not here
It's dangerous how wrecked I am
Save me because I can't get a grip on myself•


Author's Pov


He has abducted her "

"What..? "

Y/n's whole body froze hearing him, the time around her stopped, she felt like her blood got chilled down completely processing those words

"Yes I saw his men kidnapping her that night" Sehun said

"N... No.. You are lying, he could never do that.." She uttered in Taehyung's defense.

"No I am not lying, why would I lie to you? trust me please "

"No I don't trust you, he would never do something this bad " She snapped him getting angry.

"You think he wouldn't do something this bad then you are wrong, he had done much more worse things than this. He is just not only capable of kidnapping people, he can kill them too mercilessly.
He tortured his victims so badly that they started to beg for their own death
He is cruel, ruthless and a cold blooded monster... "

"Enough.. " Y/n shouted angrily at him while fisting her palms

"You said more than enough. How dare you said all those nasty things about him? What do you think I'll believe you instead of him who trust and care for me more than anything and anyone.

Never I'll never believe that he would ki... "

"He doesn't trust you Y/n " He said cutting her in the middle of her sentence

"He can never trust anybody hell...he doesn't even trust his own shadow. You are too innocent and pure for that monster Y/n. He is just using you. Believe me..." He pleaded

Y/n gritted her teeth angrily hearing his venomous choice of words for Taehyung

"He's a ruthless criminal.... "

"Stop stop with your nonsense I don't believe you even a little bit and you know what coming here was a mistake. All you said was a lie a complete lie and if you don't want me to tell about this pathetic joke of yours to anybody then don't you dare to contact me ever again" Y/n spat , glaring at him and turned around to walk away but her feet got frozen when she heard him speaking again

"Then 8 years ago what he was doing at that auction where you met him for the first time ?"

Y/n turned again towards him with her widened eyes that how he knew about her painful past,but her heart shattered into thousand pieces hearing his next statement

"Then why after taking care of you like a real brother for 8 years, Suga still could not stop him from taking you away from himself?

Why he never fought against him? Why everyone is so terrified of him?"

Y/n's eyes started to form tears, her vision started to become blurry because she knew whatever he was saying was all right and true..

"You said he would never kill people then that day when you got kidnapped by that Jackson and he tried to force himself on you , Taehyung had shooted him in front of your own eyes but nobody dared to ask him a single question why because  everyone is afraid of that demon

Nobody dares to go against him, even the person you called your Oppa  in your whole life and consider him as your brother

I thought you know everything about him, about that pathetic stone hearted monster who claimed you to be his everything his Doll . He must have told you everything but no he even lied to you all this time Y/n...."

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