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Ain't nobody else can relate
Boy, I like that you ain't afraid
Baby, lay me down and let's pray
I'm tellin' you the way I like it, how I want it•


Author's pov

"Find this call's location at any cost ". Taehyung ordered Jin while gritting his teeth making Jin to immediately nodded at him.

" Ok " He replied

"I want all the information about that b#stard with in an hour "

Jin again nodded and left

"Jungkook and Jhope go and search every f#cking corner of this city. I want her safe and sound at any cost" Taehyung said to both the men while groaning

They both inclined their heads in unison and then left too

And then his darken gaze averted  towards Suga and Jimin who were just standing there at their places while hanging their heads low.

Taehyung clenched his jaw by fuming with rage and anger watching them

"And for both of you , you did more than enough" He said balling his fists in order to controlled himself while glaring at both Suga and Jimin.

"V calm down we will find her. It's not time for this" Namjoon said trying to calm him down who was on the edge of bursting out with his anger...

He chewed his inner cheek and yelled at them.

"I am sparing both of your lives because you took care of her for the past 8 years otherwise I would have not taken a single second to tear you apart..."

They just hung their head low , didn't want to make eye contact with him because they both knew whatever he was saying he was capable of doing that because he really became a blood thirsty monster when it came to her. .

After an hour

"V I found his location" Jin said entering into his office making him to stormed towards him.

A devilish grin crept on Taehyung's face hearing Jin and he stated with his most darken and cruel eyes.

"Hmmm...now let's go we need to save my doll and remove that f#cking piece of shit from this earth for thinking about even touching her.."


Y/n was crying and sobbing harder and harder with each growing second.

Her eyes became red,her head started to ache while recalling her Oppa's face and getting afraid and terrified thinking about the possible worst outcomes. .

She became a complete mess. She felt helpless, she wanted to get out of that hell but again her mind filled with all those questions which started haunting her like a ghost which Jackson said to her.

Y/n was in her thoughts when the door opened again and that monster came again making her to gulped hard in fear and her entire body started to shiver where as her eyes started shedding more tears.

Jackson smirked watching her afraid reaction and than walked a little inside.

"How are you feeling  Y/n? Are you enjoying yourself here? " He said with a smirk  taking his steps closer to her.

Y/n stood up on her place, her body started to quiver because of the horrible feeling she was getting from that person.

She started to plead him again with the hope that he would show her some mercy.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now