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•Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love


Author's Pov

"So what's your name beautiful? " Baekhyun asked Y/n while placing his hand on her waist gently and pullef her body more close to his.

"Umm... Y/n" Y/n replied hesitated without looking him at his face.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl" He said with a smile.

And Y/n just nodded simply while sighing again

"Are you so nervous ..? I am sorry if I forced you to you dance with me Y/n" He said apologizing.

Y/n just shook her head slowly at her reply.

"Y/n am I that much bad looking that you are not even looking at me?" He said making Y/n to immediately looked at his face and shook her head in a no which made him to smiled.

"No no it's not like that you are very handsome" Y/n said softly

He just chuckled slowly and said

"Then why are you looking so uncomfortable and bothered? "

"I...I am not feeling comfortable in this party" She replied genuinely.

" So that means you too are not enjoying this party ugh... me too, this party is too boring'' He said making an annoyed face.

Y/n smiled seeing his cute expression .

" Look I make you smile, I am so proud of myself " He said patting his own shoulder .

Y/n giggled cutely as she now started to feel comfortable with him and then they both talked about some random things.

"So can we be friends? " He asked her with a big smile.

"Ummm... ".

" Please say yes otherwise my weak heart is going to  break " He said placing her hand on his chest.

Y/n smiled and nodded.

"Yes we can be friends..."

''Yeah... I make a new and beautiful friend " He said tapping on her cheeks gently.

They both started to laugh as she felt he too was very soft and friendly natured person and she liked to be in that type of company..

They both were talking when suddenly Y/n felt itchiness on her neck because of her outfit's material.

"What happen? " He asked looking at her in a confusing way.

"I don't know my neck is itching,maybe this clothes material..." She said still scratching her neck more.

"Oh... Do you want me to check it..?" He said to which she nodded because she thought it was okay as now he was his friend .

"Ok let me check it then " He said getting closer to her neck slightly and softly removed her hair from that side of her neck  to other side.

Y/n tossed her face to other side for giving him more access to looked at her neck.

"There's a light red rash on your neck Y/n.."

He said looking at her neck when suddenly Y/n heard a loud thud and felt Baekhyun's body to got torn apart from her.

She immediately turned her head and saw Baekhyun laying on the floor with a bleeding nose which made her eyes widened in shock.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now