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And finding answers is forgetting all of the
Questions we call home
Passing the graves of the unknown


Author's pov

"You are his.....you belong to


Y/n's eyes bewildered where as she felt her heart shattered into million pieces just by hearing her Oppa's words. She thought what she heard was wrong, that her ears tricked her.

"Oppa..wha..what are y..you saying? "

Her voice broke but she still asked with a hope whatever she heard must be wrong but her hope broken into pieces when she saw a tear to rolled down from his eyes.

"Yes Princess what I am saying is the truth , the truth of what happened 8 years ago. " He said looking down to the floor making her more befuddled and shocked.

" What happe......ned 8 years ago Oppa? " Y/n asked looking at his defeated self which turned her eyes teary with pain watching him like that for the first time in her life.

Suga sighed heavily and then averted his gaze upward and her heart rate halted watching the pain in his eyes, pain of what he was about to state.

" It all started when he went to that Auction...8 years ago"



"Welcome Mr V....we are glad to have you here"

The man bowed at an 18 years old boy who had no emotions in his  eyes and was looking more mature and intimidating than the other boys of his age . His whole presence and aura was reeking of only one thing...darkness...

"Hmm ....."

"Shall we start our work for what we came here for Mr Knight? " A voice spoke gaining everyone's attention towards it.

"Oh sure....Mr min why not" Mr Knight replied with a smile...

"Ok than let's go " Suga said sternly earning a nod from Taehyung.

"Yeah follow me Mr V and Min " Mr knight said and they both followed him and went inside that place.

All 3 of them entered a hall where other people were also present.

"Hello Mr V it's very nice to see you here" A man in black tuxedo said to him whose darken eyes were roaming the faces of every single person there and stopped on him hearing that person.

"Hello....Mr Wang" Taehyung replied, earning a grin from him....

"I never thought that you would come here" Mr Wang said with a mocking tone while smirking making the corner of Taehyung's lips to tugged a little upward.

" Hmm.... There's first time for everything... Mr Wang... "

"Good to hear that....but I thought you would never come to a place like this that's why I asked out of curiosity but looks here we are..." Wang replied trying to be friendly as much as possible with him making Taehyung to smirked

" Hmm ...well Mr Wang you know curiosity kills the cat and I hope that you don't want to be that cat" He said with a devilish grin on his face.

They both just stared at each other with their evident hatred for each other on their eyes until

"Mr V the auction is about to start" Mr Knight said making Taehyung to just nodded at him.

"HIS FORBIDDEN DOLL" (Kim taehyung 🔞ff) Where stories live. Discover now