💜Forgive me💜

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Please forgive me, I know not what I do
Please forgive me, I can't stop loving you
Don't deny me, this pain I'm going through
Please forgive me, if I need you like I do


Author's Pov

Y/n's blood ran cold, her body turned numb  where as she felt like her heart stopped pumping blood watching him standing in front of her

Whole day she tried to avoid him in fact from the past 3 days she even tried to stop him from invading in her thoughts . She looked at him with widened shocked eyes who was already staring at her with nothing but just emptiness in his gaze.

Y/n got totally lost into him and her thoughts when suddenly her phone started ringing taking her out of her trance

She shrugged her shoulders and then averted her gaze towards her phone.
She looked at her phone and then picked it up

"Umm... Hello.. " She said turning back from him ..

"Princess, where are you? , I am waiting for you come fast " Suga replied

"O..Oppa... " She stammered getting nervous

"Princess what happened? Are you alright? " He asked worriedly hearing her tensed voice

Y/n gulped hard and sighed heavily

"Oppa I coming there in couple of minutes " She replied

"Oh....okay come" He stated and then hung up the call

She then turned around and stared at him who was stopping the elevator from getting closed and continued to  at her with no intention of coming out.

Y/n thought she would take the stairs but they were at 15th floor which made it impossible for her to go to ground floor in a couple of minutes.

She sighed and decided not to make things more awkward because someday she had to face him so why not that day, she could not avoid him forever.

So without looking at him, she went inside the elevator which made him to removed his hand making the elevator's door to got closed .

Both didn't utter a single word to each other and the silence made the situation more tensed .

Y/n stood at a place as far as possible from him , she looked down to the floor ,didn't even dare to look at him on the other hand she could feel ,he was continuously staring at her with his soul piercing gaze.

He clutched his palms as his gaze never left from her and she could feel his gaze on her and her heartbeat accelerated where as panic started to rise in her feeling that unbearable silence.

Her breathing rate increased rapidly breaking the tensed silence between them.

He fisted his palms more tightly trying to control his sinful urges but his patience left him when he heard her panting heavily  and trying to get more away from him which made him to released his palms and stormed towards her .

He pushed her against the lift's wall forcefully turning her eyes widened with shock and fear where as her whole body started to quiver uncontrollably.

She started to breathe heavily while looking at his now darken eyes. He looked at her doe beautiful eyes and then his gaze travelled to her trembling tempting lips which were like a drug to him, which he could not survive without tasting them

Unable to control his urge, he groaned in temptation...

"F#ck it... "

And then slammed his lips against her capturing them into for a deep passionate kiss.

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